Friday, 16 October 2015

Resources make the world go round

I'm a sucker for TED talks. They provide access to some of the brightest minds on the planet for just enough time that you can adequately concentrate without losing interest, but long enough to be in awe.

If you have time, there is a brilliant TED talk by Peter Joseph discussing an alternative economic system, solving poverty, disparities and conflict issues through simple resource management and allocation and the strategic application of technology, as opposed to using money as a means of exchange for goods.

Although I'm not suggesting anything so dramatic as a revolution (!), it makes you think: is there a more efficient way we can use resources we have? The notion of a centralised resource sharing and allocation system could provide the world with a more sustainable and fairer future. At a simplistic level, Crutzen (2000) highlights a multitude of evidence for the increasing impact of humans on the Earth's, through resource exploitation.

This blog will most likely turn into a structured brain-dump - a means of me looking into various resources which are being exploited, the impacts of the exploitation, and how this will impact future humans. Resources range from mined minerals to livestock, sunlight and people. Humans have had an extreme impact on the environment with exploitation of carbon based fuels being the most obvious example of end the result of resource exploitation.

The impact is huge, the exploitation is wide ranging, and the issues are apparent now.


  1. Thought-provoking start. "The notion of a centralised resource sharing and allocation system could provide the world with a more sustainable and fairer future". Imagine!

    1. Thanks Anson! Although it borders on a Marxist approach towards the world economy, I think there is some merit in the idea. I will further focus on the current situation, issues surrounding resource consumption and impacts upon the environment, rather than exploring future solutions in an ever growing consumer-based world.
      Towards the end, I will hopefully be able to provide some sort of a solution!
